It seemed like any other ordinary day here at the zoo. Going around and looking after all the animals and making sure the guests try not to disturb them too much. It is a peaceful life here at the zoo and I want to keep it that way. It was May seventeenth when my life changed and I'm not sure if it was for the better. I am a single woman with a Master's Degree in Biology who made it my life's work to take care of our inferior species. My day consists of feeding, taking fecal and blood samples for testing to make sure the animals are healthy, and maintaining them in every way possible. If an animal was not responding well or seemed agitated I would close that attraction down for their safety as well as for the guests.
Now I might not look like much being that I'm five foot eight, long brown hair, fairly tanned skin on an athletic body, but I do know how to take care of these animals no matter what size or shape they are. Some guys cringe at the thought of what I do for a living especially when i tell them how I take fecal samples which seem to be a real turn off to them. Anyway, I am good at my job and wouldn't change anything about my life or at least try not too. Maybe one day I'll get married and have kids and live happily ever after but I don't see that happening any time soon.
I go to work five days a week and on call for the weekends but everything seemed to be going good until one day when I was making my rounds and checking on the animals. I noticed when I did a head check at the wolves habitat that there was one wolf more than what was logged in the book. I show that we have five wolves on paper but keep counting six wolves. I should not be worried but it was something to look into. Maybe we got a new one and someone forgot to log it into the books but I will double check. I noticed that the other wolves were a little agitated so I shut that habitat down for guests until I figure out what is going on.
That evening after we had closed the zoo, I went to recheck the logs for our unaccounted for visitor. I could not find anything on any new wolves added to the zoo, so where did it come from. Everyone else had left for the evening but I decided to go back around to the wolves habitat to check on their status. It seemed like all the wolves were on one side of the habitat except for the unaccounted one. It was on the opposite side of the habitat by itself. I could feel the tension inside the habitat and wanted a further look.
I mad my way around to the entrance door of the habitat. I slowly opened it and took a peak inside. Now our wolves all know me and are pretty harmless and tame but this new one is causing some strife and an uneasy feeling with the others so I need to proceed with caution. Once inside the habitat I went over to our wolves who greeted me pretty fairly but they kept a watchful eye on the new wolf. I couldn't quite figure it out but was making an advancement towards the new wolf. I was being as cautious as I could be and slowly moving towards it. It had a brownish black coat, a sharp pointed snout, and the most amazing greenish yellow eyes. This was not your average wolf, and I know my wolves.
As I moved closer to it, it crunched down and had a slight growl. I stepped a little closer and reached out my hand in a friendly manner when all of a sudden it lunged forward and bit my hand. I immediately withdrew my hand and had to wrap it in my shirt to try and stop the bleeding. It burned fiercely and I made my way walking backwards until I got to the entrance door. Before leaving the habitat I noticed that my wolves were more agitated and growling loudly at the new wolf. It was becoming a serious situation but I needed medical attention.
I made it back to the office and found the first aid kit to address my wound. When I removed my shirt that was wrapped around my hand I got the first glimpse of my mangled hand. It looked like something out of a horror movie. It was bleeding profusely and some of the skin was hanging off the bone. This wolf really took a nice bite. I needed stitches so I headed out to my car and drove myself to the hospital emergency room. When I got there, I told them who I was and what happened. The nurse took me back in a hurry because there was the thought of rabies since the bite was from an unknown animal. I went to the examine room and was soon met by a doctor. My hands had soaked through the bandage I had in place and when the doctor removed it he was in shock to find my hand so mangled.
He asked a nurse to come in and give me an injection of pain killer and a numbing agent so they could stitch my hand up. I had not even contemplated how much pain I was really in due to shock I guess. After ninety three stitches, my hand was better but looked like a Frankenstein moment. I watched as the nurse applied a dressing to my hand and then gave me an injection of a broad spectrum antibiotic plus a rabies shot vaccine just in case. I was given an arm sling to keep from using my hand until it healed. They did have an x-ray taken of my hand which showed numerous fractures across my hand so I was put on restriction of not using my hand for eight weeks. I don't know how that was going to work due to my job but my hand had to heal. Once I got home after picking up a pain killer prescription along with an antibiotic I went to lounge back on my couch. The pain killer injection really started to set in and I found myself really drowsy and incoherent. I laid back on the couch and fell asleep for the night.
The next morning, I woke up still on the couch and my hand was throbbing so I took a pain killer before getting dressed for work. After getting dressed in my uniform I started out the door. Driving was a special task when you are on pain killers but somehow I managed to get to work without any issues. I went into my office and had all the questions from everyone as to what happened to my hand. When I started asking about the sixth wolf in the habitat, one of my assistants came in and said he only counted five wolves in the habitat. That was strange, so I decided to go take a look for myself.
I went down to the habitat and sure enough there was only fives wolves in the habitat, but what happened to the sixth one? I told everyone that there was a sixth wolf inside the habitat that was making the others agitated and that it was that sixth wolf who took a bite out my hand. They were all just as confused as me because when the head count was done this morning there were only five wolves. I scratched my head with disbelief and then got set up to start my day. I needed an assistant to help with things due to my injury and not being able to perform my duties.
As the day went on I started to notice things differently. I was more heightened in my sensory abilities meaning that I could smell things more sharply. I felt strange but I chocked it up to the pain killers and went about my day. It was pleasant waling around and checking on the animals I have grown so fond of. The wolves in the habitat were glad to see me and came over to the fence for me to pet. One moved back after sniffing my bandaged hand and began howling. The next thing I knew all of the wolves were howling and becoming agitated again. I walked away confused at what just happened and wondered if there was more to this story of a wolf just biting me.
I went home and decided to do some investigative work on this new wolf. I searched for wolves that even resembled the one who bit me and found nothing. I know I wasn't losing my mind and actually did see a sixth wolf in the habitat because I have the wound to prove it. As hard as it seemed I wasn't about to give up on finding this new wolf. I searched all night with nothing to go on. It was becoming daylight outside and I needed to shower before going to work.
It had been twenty-four hours since this bandage was wrapped around my hand and I needed to change it. I slowly and carefully unwrapped my hand to find that the wounds were becoming infected. I was taking the antibiotic as prescribed but my hand looked so inflamed and was oozing a little greenish pus. I washed it off and applied some antibiotic cream to the wounds and re-bandaged it. It hurt a little but not as much as you would think being that infection was setting in. I got to work and noticed all the different and new smells that I was sensing. I could smell cotton candy like it was right in front of me but actually it was being made all the way across the zoo. I could smell things that were a distance away like I was standing right in front of it.
I had no clue as to what was going on and it made me try to think of what I could do to find out. After making my rounds I went back to my office and started doing some research on animal bites specifically wolf bites. There was not a lot of information on the Internet about wolf bites and it seemed like I needed to go back to the emergency room to have it checked out but I wanted to give it a few days to see if the antibiotics would work.
A few days later, I noticed that my hand wasn't hurting anymore. I slowly unwrapped it and saw that it was bruising around it and that it had a green scab over the top of it. I thought that it was healing and re wrapped it back up but I was still short on recovery time to allow the fractures to heal. At least I knew it was healing. I carried on at work with my assistants help and took care of my animals like nothing ever happened except it did happen and I am one hand short of completing my job. Thank God for an assistant to help me with basic stuff like fecal samples to which I can't get near my hand for risk of infection.
Everyday I noticed something new with my senses and my body. I felt like a different person and not like myself. I found myself eating things I don't normally eat like vegetables I would never touch, and I wanted my meat a little less cooked. When I realized what I was doing I was eating meat pretty much raw and under cooked but I wanted it so bad. It tasted delicious and I wanted more. I had to find out what was going on and fast.
I took a few days off from work and got plenty of rest, but one night would change my life forever. It was the first full moon of the year and it seemed like every other full moon night until I found myself changing. My hand began throbbing so I unwrapped it and found strange coarse hairs growing around each of the wounds. I couldn't make sense of it until I started hurting all over. I felt like all the bones in my body were breaking and moving. I fell off of the couch and onto the floor. My body was on fire and hurting. I could feel the transformation of my limbs and then my face was becoming disfigured. I started crying out because I was in so much pain.
The pain seemed to get worse as the transfiguration progressed. My hands were stretching and forming claws, my whole face disfigured and starting to grow hair. My spine felt like it was being stretched and I don't know how much more I could stand. My sight was becoming more keen and sharp, I felt every single tooth in my mouth, and then the hair proceeded to grow all over my body. I made it to the bathroom to see what was going on in the mirror. I didn't like what I saw looking back at me. I looked like a deranged dog with huge fangs. My eyes were greenish yellow just like the wolf in the habitat. Now that I think about it, I was starting to look more and more like him. I screamed out but it soon turned to howling. I made it out the back door and found myself running away from home in search of what, I didn't know. I had to find out why I was turning into a dog.
The next morning, I woke up in the wolf habitat at the zoo, dazed and confused. I eventually realized I was stark naked. I looked up to see all my wolves standing over me licking my face. It was almost as if I was part of their family. I got up and made my way to the entrance door and got out of the habitat. I had blood stains over my body and ran to my office. I began panicking while dazed and confused all at once. I took out an empty notebook and started keeping track like a daily journal. I noted everything from what I had to eat to other things. Why was I changing? I started doing more research and found out that there is a rare wolf from overseas that I thought to be a myth. It seems that this wolf does a number to anyone who is bitten. I took a blood sample and looked at it under the microscope and compared it to the blood sample on the Internet of this rare wolf. My blood cells looked exactly like the sample on the Internet. I finally found out what was happening. I was bitten by a werewolf and now I will transform into one every full moon. I am labeling this journal "the Werewolf Files".
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