Upon waking the next morning, I found myself fully rested and ready to tackle another day. It was Friday and I was glad to see it come which meant I had the weekend off to finish my research before the next full moon. I sprang from the bed and wrapped up in my robe before heading over to the kitchen. I walked into the room and noticed I had left the book I was reading open to the next chapter which was ""What a Werewolf Eats". So I walked over to the coffee maker and started to brew a cup of hot coffee to wake me up a little more and grabbed a pastry from the cabinet to go with the coffee.
Once the coffee had finished brewing, I made a big cup and grabbed my pastry from the counter and headed over to the dining room table to enjoy my breakfast while beginning the next chapter of my research. I found it fascinating the things that I read. A werewolf was a carnivore but it ate mainly other animals and only attacked humans when threatened or cornered. That doesn't sound like anything I want to happen, but I kept reading while sipping my french roasted coffee. Most of the animals that a werewolf consumed were forest animals: deer, foxes, mountain lions, and other smaller wolves. and not humans. They only attack the humans but not to consume them which almost always left a bloody mess of body parts and human remains if the bodies were never discovered until years later.
I got so completely enthralled with my reading that I didn't notice the time and I had to leave for work because today was vaccination day for every animal in the zoo and guess who had to administer each and every vaccine but yours truly. That was like a ballpark figure of approximately two hundred and thirty-three animals not including any newborns who were ready for theirs. So my day was going to be a full one and a long one on top of it. It is good for the animals and the handlers to be safe if ever injured by another animal. I do love my animals but they can be so time-consuming not to mention brats when it comes to vaccinations. So, off to work I went to exhaust myself with the animals, and that is why I am glad it is Friday.
Once I got to the zoo, I noticed my assistant had the check off list and the vaccinations ready to go for me. I set my stuff on my desk and went over the procedures with my assistant before heading out the door. I wanted to make sure everything went smoothly and my assistant did inform me we had seventeen newborns ready for their first vaccinations, so that made it two-hundred and fifty vaccines to administer in one day. I had my work cut out for me today. Thank God for assistant's because without them I don't think I could get through my days here at the zoo with so many animals.
One by one we went through each habitat administering vaccines to each animal and then cuddling them for a minute to make sure there were going to be no reactions to the vaccine. Some of the animals were so playful and sweet but the bigger animals were not so much into hugging and cuddling which was fine by me. I mean who cares about hugging a crocodile or a hippopotamus. That is just so weird and not to mention how difficult it is to administer the shots without being their main course on the menu. Some of these procedures have to be planned with care due to the dangerous conditions with certain animals. I guess that makes them somewhat like a human because I know quite a few humans who don't like shots either..
Once we made our rounds in the zoo we headed over to the newborn's facility to administer their vaccinations. They were a lot more fun because they were so cute and easy to manage. I almost fell in love with all of them because they love the attention, affection, and cuddling. It seems like the newborn's handled their vaccinations a lot better than some of the adults. Which made it easier for me that is why they were left to be last on the check off list. When we finished with all the cuddling and loving, we closed up the facility and headed back over to the office. You would think that we would be done for the day but not yet. We still have to record on the computer all the tag numbers to each animal and their expiration date so that we know when the next time vaccinations are due.
While we were finishing up with the logs, my assistant commented on how there was going to be a full moon in three weeks and I fumbled with the keys on the keyboard in fear. I almost thought that he knew what I was but I got a hold of myself and corrected my errors on the computer. No one could possibly know what is going on with me I have kept it a secret and told no one. I went ahead and finished up the logs and quickly thought to myself that I needed to hurry with my research before that next full moon. I got everything closed up and locked and made notes for the weekend shift and headed out the door got into my car and drove straight home.
Once I was at home, I got some iced tea and made a quick sandwich before sitting down at the dining room table with all these books in front of me. I began where I left off and continued to read about the eating habits of werewolves and it sounded kind of disgusting but who am I to judge what someone eats when we eat other animals too, just different types. Once reading the explicit parts of how they tear their meat apart suddenly my sandwich didn't taste as good as it did a few minutes prior. I had to put it down and push it away from me.
So all I gather so far is that they mainly consume other animals and not humans. Why does this make them so bad when their behavior is so much like any other animal who is hungry or defends themselves. That didn't make any sense at all to me but who am I to question the thoughts of others who have experienced these animals first hand. All I know is that I didn't want to hurt anyone and I had to find a way to fix this situation so that no one doesn't get hurt.
So, let me review their behavior quickly, they hunt at night which makes them nocturnal, they only eat other animals which are related to what humans eat, and only attack humans when cornered or threatened. I think that sums it up enough to understand for now. So I need to set things up to protect myself and others in the event I can't find a cure before the next full moon in three weeks. What can I do? I thought long and hard about what can be done to keep me inside my house until morning on the night of the full moon. Things weren't looking so good because what else the book was telling me was that a werewolf is very strong and the turning can be brutal. So I need to figure out how to restrain myself during the turning and afterward to keep safe and from harming anyone.
The one thing that hit me was going to the hardware store and buying some really thick and strong chains to hold me but where in my house would be strong enough to hold? I know I just can't chain myself to the wall for it is too easy to damage and bathroom fixtures definitely won't work. I walked around my house examining everything and everywhere that I could possibly chain myself up and it would hold. I was getting nothing until I went down into the basement and noticed that there were concrete columns holding the house up and supporting it, so f they can support the weight of a house who says they can't restrain a werewolf. I finally had an idea and the perfect place because all the noise would not be heard from my basement.
I ran back upstairs, grabbed my purse and headed out to the car. I started it up and drove down to the neighborhood hardware store and started looking in the chain section. there were so many chains and I didn't have schematics to buy the right one. It was pretty much a guessing game until one of the store associates came over to assist and I politely told him I needed a chain that would hold a two- hundred pound dog that I had at home. I informed the associate that he broke his last chain so I needed a pretty strong one. He started assisting me with looking at different chains until we came across one that was strong enough to hold three hundred pounds which for me that should be suitable. So I bought approximately ten feet of it and a couple other necessities to go with it and a padlock. I think I had everything so I checked out and took the bags to the car. I put them into the trunk and went around to get into the car and drove home. Before I got home I stopped at a fast food place to get a bite since my sandwich was ruined and then headed home.
I got home and brought all the bags inside and took them immediately to the basement before gathering all the tools I will need to situate things. I grabbed the chain and wrapped it around the concrete column before attaching the steel bracket which will be padlocked around my neck, Once I was finished and everything set up it was time to go back upstairs and finish some more research. I got back up into the dining room and sat back in my chair at the table and began reading more of the book on their behavior now that I have a backup if one is needed. it was truly fascinating how these creatures survived. I thought they were just a myth but now after some research they did in fact exist but were thought to be extinct. So how is it that one bit me at the zoo? Did they miss judge their existence and only believed them to be extinct?
Well, my eyes were getting strained after reading so much so I closed the book and pushed it away from me even though I felt attracted to learn more. I needed a break and my head was starting to hurt so I got up from the table and went into the living room and collapsed on the couch. I grabbed the remote control and clicked on the television for some down time. I found a movie on and got myself comfortable where I would be for the rest of the evening. Now that I have some background on werewolves and a backup plan, my step would be trying to find a cure. But not tonight, I am really exhausted and my brain fried so I will stay on this couch until tomorrow before looking to discover the cure to being a werewolf.
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